Wednesday 25 July 2012

Cilantro Bolting Stages So Far

What's this, again? I know. I am so posting again today, cause I love it and you guys and girls.

So please don't get too excited, 'tis yet another plant post. But hey why not because the Cilantro has reached an interesting stage.

A while ago, one of the things that I learned when I was Googling facts about my plants was that Cilantro seems to be troublesome to grow because it has a tendancy to bolt at the first sign of warm weather. That doesn't mean it goes screaming across the backyard with me chasing it with a butterfly net, it means that it begins to flower.

There are many plants that are basically 'ruined' if you will when they bolt because they are no longer tasty or beautiful because all of the plants nutrients are going towards the flowers which make seeds or fruit. In the Cilantro's case (and apparently not the Bok Choy or I did something wrong cause 'tis so not growing) this is not the case. Cilantro seems to be one of the more versatile herbs out there. Versatile how?

Well, let me show you. ^.^

These are my three Cilantro (and sneaky pots of Basil and Oregano in the top left corner).

This is a picture of what Cilantro looks like when it is grown.

This is what Cilantro looks like when it matures just before bolting.

...And these lovely little buds below in the center right will soon be Cilantro flowers.

Best thing about Cilantro and why it is so versatile is that you can use the initial leaves and the flowers and they both have a unique flavour, so I am told. I will be sure to try some at some point and let you know.

So lets say you stumbled upon this page because you don`t want your Cilantro to bolt. My tip: KEEP IT THE HELL OUT OF THE SUN. Ambient bright light yes, but do not plant it in the center of your garden for not only will it bolt, those seeds from the bolt will keep coming back again and again. My Cilantro get about two hours of direct sunlight a day and plenty of water, and even then after the temperature hits a certain degrees then your Cilantro is going to bolt unless you put a bag over it, which makes Deadlantro.

It's definitely past the days when the only way I could tell the difference between my Parsley and my Cilantro (AKA Chinese Parsley) was the label or the smell when I watered them. Ah, how things change and grow...

©reated by ŊetHerŊøte  

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